Click on the link below to view and register to pick up one of our Take-and Make Crafts below:
A special story time that includes songs, rhymes, dancing and stories for our exuberant toddlers! Registration with a CLPL card is required.
A story time for every little one! Join us for stories, fingerplays, songs, dancing, and more! Suggested for ages Birth - 5 years with a caregiver. This is a Drop-in story time. No registration required.
Maker Academy: Cross Stitch, Embroidery and Hand Sewing
Grab your grown-up and come to Youth Services to learn fiber art skills. Take home a finished project that you have made together. Registration with a CLPL card is required.
Due to this program's popularity, please give the library 24-hours notice if you can't attend so we can notify the next person on the waiting list.